Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, January 15, 2010

Haiti has a longstanding history of US military intervention and occupation going back to the beginning of the 20th Century. US interventionism has contributed to the destruction of Haiti's national economy and the impoverishment of its population.

The devastating earthquake is presented to World public opinion as the sole cause of the country's predicament.

A country has been destroyed, its infrastructure demolished. Its people precipitated into abysmal poverty and despair.

Haiti's history, its colonial past have been erased.

The US military has come to the rescue of an impoverished Nation. What is its Mandate?

Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?

The main actors in America's "humanitarian operation" are the Department of Defense, the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). (See USAID Speeches: On-The-Record Briefing on the Situation in Haiti, 01/13/10). USAID has also been entrusted in channelling food aid to Haiti, which is distributed by the World Food Program. (See USAID Press Release: USAID to Provide Emergency Food Aid for Haiti Earthquake Victims, January 13, 2010)

The military component of the US mission, however, tends to overshadow the civilian functions of rescuing a desperate and impoverished population. The overall humanitarian operation is not being led by civilian governmental agencies such as FEMA or USAID, but by the Pentagon.

The dominant decision making role has been entrusted to US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM).

A massive deployment of military hardware and personnel is contemplated. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen has confirmed that the US will be sending nine to ten thousand troops to Haiti, including 2000 marines. (American Forces Press Service, January 14, 2010)

Aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson and its complement of supporting ships has already arrived in Port au Prince. (January 15, 2010). The 2,000-member Marine Amphibious Unit as well as and soldiers from the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne division "are trained in a wide variety of missions including security and riot-control in addition to humanitarian tasks."

In contrast to rescue and relief teams dispatched by various civilian organizations, the humanitarian mandate of the US military is not clearly defined:

“Marines are definitely warriors first, and that is what the world knows the Marines for,... [but] we’re equally as compassionate when we need to be, and this is a role that we’d like to show -- that compassionate warrior, reaching out with a helping hand for those who need it. We are very excited about this.” (Marines' Spokesman, Marines Embark on Haiti Response Mission, Army Forces Press Services, January 14, 2010)

While presidents Obama and Préval spoke on the phone, there were no reports of negotiations between the two governments regarding the entry and deployment of US troops on Haitian soil. The decision was taken and imposed unilaterally by Washington. The total lack of a functioning government in Haiti was used to legitimize, on humanitarian grounds, the sending in of a powerful military force, which has de facto taken over several governmental functions....


L’histoire qui « lie » les États-Unis à Haïti

Sunday, January 3, 2010

NOAM CHOMSKY: “Gaza: One Year Later”

On December 27, 2008, Israel began one of the bloodiest attacks on Gaza Since 1948. The three week assault killed some 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. One year later, little to no rebuilding has taken place and the siege in Gaza continues.

Speaking in Watertown, Massachusetts on December 6, 2009, linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky delivered a talk entitled “Gaza: One Year Later.”

Thanks to Robbie Leppzer for filming this event.


The Lebanese Laïque Pride

Francais ci dessous>>>
"They did not know it was impossible, so they did it."
Mark Twain

I am a lebanese citizen,
I am against the interference of religion in the functionning of the State,
I want a civil status unrelated to religious identities (birth certificate, identity documents, mariage, divorce, funerals etc.),
I demand to be recognized regardless of my religious convictions,
I require a State where law doesn't find its legitimacy in religious precepts and where the exercise of political power would not be determined by the belonging of a religious group,
I believe in democracy, freedom of speech and opinions.

A lot of us defend the idea of a non-confessional and non-religious State in Lebanon... Let us prove we exist.
ON SUNDAY APRIL 25- 2010, AT 11 AM, we will be marching together for secularism.
Let us make ourselves heard!
Every citizen, institution, organization, association..., whether in Lebanon or abroad, who supports the principle of secularism is invited to participate in this gathering as a free, responsible and independent member.
Please inform all those around you (friends, family, religious, non-religious), they should have the choice to be there if they want to.

The meeting point and itinerary are yet to be announced.


Organisation team: Saïdou Chaitou, Alexandre Paulikevitch, Yalda Younes, Kinda Hassan, Nasri Sayegh.
Contact us: leblaique@gmail.com

"Ils ne savaient pas que c'était impossible, alors ils l'ont fait."
Mark Twain

Je suis un(e) citoyen(ne) libanais(e),
Je suis contre l'intervention de la religion dans le fonctionnement de l'État,
Je voudrais un état civil independant de toute identité religieuse (certificat de naissance, documents d'identité, mariage, divorce, funérailles etc.),
J'exige d'être reconnu indépendamment de mes convictions religieuses,
Je demande un État où la loi ne tire pas sa légitimité d'une conformité à des préceptes religieux et où l'exercice du pouvoir politique n'est pas conditionné par l'appartenance à un groupe religieux,
Je suis pour la démocratie, pour la liberté d'expression et d'opinions.

Nous sommes nombreux à défendre l'idée d'un État non-confessionnel et non-religieux au Liban... Prouvons que nous existons.
LE DIMANCHE 25 AVRIL 2010, à 11H, nous marcherons ensemble pour la laïcité.
Faisons-nous entendre!
Tout citoyen, institution, organisation, association..., au Liban ou ailleurs, qui soutient le principe de la laïcité est invité à participer à ce rassemblement d'une manière libre, responsable et indépendante.
Merci d'informer ceux qui vous entourent (amis, famille, croyants, non-croyants...), ils devraient avoir le choix d'y être s'ils le souhaitent.

Le lieu du rendez-vous et l'itinéraire sont à préciser ultérieurement.


Équipe organisatrice: Saïdou Chaitou, Alexandre Paulikevitch, Yalda Younes, Kinda Hassan, Nasri Sayegh.
Contactez-nous: leblaique@gmail.com